Monday, May 9, 2011

Using a Coupon Clippers Service.

Many people are unaware that there are such services as coupon clippers. So you want to know what a coupon clipping service is? Coupon clippers are companies that, for a small handling and shipping fee, you can order coupons from them. 

So, why do you want to pay for coupons?

ü  Often, coupons are regional. A perfect example of this was this weekends insert. While many areas received a $1/1 Carefree coupon, other regions (like mine) didn’t get one at all.
ü  Sometimes a region will receive a high value version of a coupon while other regions will get a similar coupon but for a much lower value.
ü  Let’s say I want to complete an upcoming deal and I want 20 of that particular item. My paper is $1.50. This would run me $30! But, from a coupon clipper it would be much cheaper.
There are several coupon clipping services to choose, in addition to Ebay. My favorite is  Coupons & Things By DeDe. I have been using Coupons & Things By DeDe for several years now and is the my primary source.

I tend to not use Ebay just because of issues I have had with sellers and losing money. Neither Ebay nor Paypal did anything to rectify so I tend to stear clear of buying. While I know there are plenty of good Ebay sellers, one bad apple always spoil a bunch. When I do make purchases on Ebay, I only use sellers with Top-Rated Seller status. This is their business and they don’t want to lose you.

Coupons & Things By DeDe – Whole inserts and clipped coupons
The Coupon Master – clipped coupons
The coupon Outlet   clipped coupons
Manufacturers Coupons – clipped coupons–whole inserts, whole inserts pre-cut, and clipped coupons!
the coupon clippers  - clipped coupons – clipped coupons
The Q Hunter — whole Inserts
Danielle’s Coupon Paradise - clipped coupons
Kuntry Klippers   clipped coupons (groups of 10 and 20 only. No single coupons sold)
The coupon carry out clipped coupons
Coupons and Forms— clipped coupons & whole inserts

Two ways to keep up with the latest deals and features: "Like" our page on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I love the idea of this but it's not for me. I talked to Hubby last night about the coupons and my plan is to see who in my neighborhood gets the Sunday Paper. When we put our recycle out a few people come and take any bottles or cans we may have. If they can do that I think it's ok for me to take coupons out of people's recycles. I am not talking the whole town or neighborhood but maybe a few people on our street :-) It would make for a nice Sunday evening walk!