Thursday, August 4, 2011

Good Goal Setting

Do's and Don'ts of Good Goal Setting Key Pieces to the Puzzle   

Goal achievement, especially when it comes to health and fitness, can be a mystery. Most of us have no trouble with Step 1 (Setting the Goal). Setting a goal is the easy part, it's those other steps that can be a puzzle. But you CAN turn achieving your goals into a science with the right strategies. Here are a few of our favorites:

DO create a plan. DON'T wait for "someday" to roll around. Setting the goal is just the first step. Know where you're going, what resources you'll need, who can help and - most importantly - what Plan B is when life throws a monkey wrench into Plan A.

DO start small. DON'T focus on too many things at once. Try focusing on one goal at a time. Use a small goal that you know you can do each day for the next two weeks, like getting up without the snooze or drinking 8 cups of water. Build that first habit to...

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