Monday, July 12, 2010

Closed: The Impostor's Daughter Review & Giveaway

Tara ... 104
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Laurie Sandell grew up in awe (and sometimes in terror) of her larger-than-life father, who told jaw-dropping tales of a privileged childhood in Buenos Aires, academic triumphs, heroism during Vietnam, friendships with Kissinger and the Pope. As a young woman, Laurie unconsciously mirrors her dad, trying on several outsized personalities (Tokyo stripper, lesbian seductress, Ambien addict). Later, she lucks into the perfect job--interviewing celebrities for a top women's magazine. Growing up with her extraordinary father has given Laurie a knack for relating to the stars. But while researching an article on her dad's life, she makes an astonishing discovery: he's not the man he says he is--not even close. Now, Laurie begins to puzzle together three decades of lies and the splintered person that resulted from them--herself.


Laurie Sandell is a contributing editor at Glamour, where she writes cover stories, features, and personal essays. She has also written for Esquire, GQ, New York and In Style, among others. In her twenties, she spent four years traveling around the world, having unsavory experiences she later justified as "material."
Buy It
You can purchase The Impostor's Daughter from Amazon.

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You can win a copy of The Impostor's Daughter, thanks to Anna and Hachette Books!

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For complete contest rules, please see our Contest Statement and Blog Disclosure. Contest ends at 11:59pm EST on July 23rd,2010 when a winner will be drawn at random and announced the next day. When commenting, please include your email address. I will notify the winners and they will have 48 hours to respond!
This was not a paid post. My own opinions were used based on my perceptions and experience. Thank you to Anna at Hachette Books, who supplied the products for review and giveaway.


Jessica Anne said...

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Ellen C. said...

I follow. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Rachel said...

I entered the I Hate To Cook giveaway!

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Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I would love to win this graphic novel.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I entered the I Hate to Cook book.

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The Baldree Family said...

I entered the hate to cook!
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I entered the I Hate to Cook giveaway.

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Gloria Walshver said...

Love to win this book.

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I love this book

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Gloria Walshver said...
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HannahAchrissmile said...

I follow on GFC.

Thanks for the chance

aigcanada7 at hotmail dot com

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aigcanada7 at hotmail dot com


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aigcanada7 at hotmail dot com

HannahAchrissmile said...

oops! I think that last comment was supposed to be this too, but it didn't copy right and I didn't catch it in time

: subscriber via rss feed, google reader for chrinahxxx@...

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HannahAchrissmile said...

subscriber via rss feed, google reader for chrinahxxx@...

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HannahAchrissmile said...

aigcanada7 (at) hotmail [dot] com

HannahAchrissmile said...

aigcanada7 (at) hotmail [dot] com

Gloria Walshver said...

Its a interesting title for a book.

saturdaynightfever said...

I am a follower!

ewhatley said...

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HannahAchrissmile said...

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HannahAchrissmile said...

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aigcanada7 at hotmail [dot] com

HannahAchrissmile said...

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aigcanada7 at hotmail [dot] com


HannahAchrissmile said...

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aigcanada7 at hotmail [dot] com


HannahAchrissmile said...

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aigcanada7 at hotmail dot com

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HannahAchrissmile said...

aigcanada7 at hotmail dot com

Tara said...

I like you on FB!

TaraTagli at gmail dot com

Tara said...

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TaraTagli at gmail dot com

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TaraTagli at gmail dot com

Tara said...

I tweeted about the giveaway!

TaraTagli at gmail dot com

HannahAchrissmile said...
aigcanada7 (at) hotmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I will read this book

Gloria Walshver said...
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Anonymous said...

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HannahAchrissmile said...

aigcanada7 (at) hotmail [dot] com

HannahAchrissmile said...

aigcanada7 (at) hotmail [dot] com