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About Fresh Baby
Reminiscent of the movie, “Baby Boom”, starring Diane Keaton, Fresh Baby is the inspiration of two sisters, Joan Ahlers and Cheryl Tallman, who live in rural parts of The United States, thousands of miles apart. In raising their children, they could not identify all-natural alternatives for healthy and hassle-free feeding. Drawing upon their own concerns as parents, the two women began developing products for today's busy parents and caregivers with a product line that includes: homemade baby food kits, baby food cookbooks, baby food and breast milk storage trays, breastfeeding reminders, and child development diaries.
Since its inception in October 2002, Fresh Baby has leveraged the ever-increasing consumer interest in natural living and healthy eating to curb the childhood obesity epidemic plaguing the nation. Through the development of products that encourage breastfeeding and developing children's healthy eating habits, Fresh Baby is helping parents proactively respond to this healthcare crisis.
Helping parents raise healthy kids:
The facts are disturbing. One in six children attending school today are obese. The number of obese preschoolers has doubled in the last 3 decades and 30-40% of these children are now at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. More alarming still, a staggering 80% of overweight children will grow up to be obese adults. Tallman and Ahlers believe one of the keys to solving this healthcare crisis lies with parents.
With research concluding that children's eating preferences are established by age 3, it is clear that parents play a crucial role in getting their children off to the right start. Fresh Baby was founded on the belief that all parents want to raise healthy children, but when it comes to healthy eating habits, they lack the tools, skills, and knowledge needed to be effective.
Fresh Baby's commitment to equipping parents goes beyond product sales. Their monthly newsletter, Fresh Ideas, is completely free and packed with family-friendly recipes and tips on healthy eating for the whole family. Cheryl and Joan also volunteer their time speaking to groups of new parents on subjects such as introducing solid foods, making baby food, and raising a healthy eater.
Making fresh, natural foods easy, convenient, and fun:
Both Cheryl and Joan started out by making food for their own children and found that it was actually easy with a few simple tools. And interestingly, once they got started making baby food, it was really quite convenient. All total, it took about 30 minutes a week. The So Easy Baby Food Kit is the result of this experience and much research. The kit provides families with everything they need to create homemade meals for their babies. Just open the box and get started.
Fresh Baby puts a modern twist on the conventional wisdom that when you make it yourself, you know it’s better. From writing easy-to-follow, tasty recipes for using fresh ingredients, to recommending simple activities that build good eating habits, to answering all the questions and eliminating the guesswork, Fresh Baby has thought of it all.
Fresh Baby Goal
“The ultimate goal of Fresh Baby is to have our name synonymous with family-friendly healthy eating." says co-founder Cheryl Tallman. Over time, Fresh Baby will offer a complete array of products for newborn through school-aged children that support parents in developing good eating habits for their children and thereby reduce their children’s risk of obesity.
Healthy eating starts with good choices.
As a new parent, you want to provide your baby with the best possible start in life. Studies show healthy eating habits begin to develop with your baby's first foods. Starting early by educating yourself and to introduce your child to fresh, all-natural foods, you are creating the foundation for your child to make healthy food choices.
Healthy eating habits play a key role in preventing obesity, a serious issue that will affect more than 1/3 of all babies born in 2004. Child obesity rates are rising at epidemic levels, so quickly, that some researchers predict this new generation of children will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.
This section provides you with information that will be helpful in raising a healthy eater, including:
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Making baby food is a great gift to give the environment and your baby. Consider the GREEN facts:
ORGANIC - Organic fruits and vegetables are the best choice for making baby food. They are the most natural ingredients and organic foods drastically reduce harm to the environment.
LESS WASTE - When you make your own baby food, there are no jars, labels or metal lids to dispose or to recycle.
NO FACTORY REQUIRED - Just a little energy to steam foods and run a blender is all you need to make your baby's meals! Did someone say near 'zero' greenhouse gases?
LOCAL - Your baby's food does not need to trucked to you from a factory thousands of miles away. Instead you can simply buy organic produce from your local farm market and get started.
HEALTHY - Homemade baby food is safe & nutritious. Baby food jars are often lined with Bisphenol-A, a controversial hormone disruptor that should be avoided. In addition, homemade baby food has no preservatives, additives, or chemicals - it is pure and natural goodness.
If you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint making organic baby food is a great way to go. Plus homemade baby food tastes great. Who knows? Your baby may grow up to love brussels sprouts and mangoes!
The award-winning kit includes everything you need to get started, and of course it’s so easy. A complete system including a cookbook, how-to video, freezer storage trays, and nutrition tips card leave you with only one thing to add - fresh ingredients!
Parents say that when they use the So Easy system of making baby food that they feel great about what they are doing for their growing baby. Your baby will look forward to their meals too and you’ll enjoy yummy smiles from your baby right from the start.
So Easy Baby Food Kit includes:
Cookbook: covers introducing solid food, includes over 40 recipes, hundreds of serving suggestions, and is all organized by age. (Hardcover, 118 pages).
How-to DVD: offers step-by-step instruction - from selecting the right produce - to making baby food - to serving it.
Nutrition tips card: gives you tips on the best sources of nutrients, introducing foods by age, first aid for choking, and more. (Waterproof Finish)
The So Easy Baby Food Kit is designed for babies making the transition from breast or bottle to solid foods. (babies about 6 months old).
My Review
As a health conscious person and I supporter of both breast feeding, as well as making my own own baby food, and an eco-friendly advocate, I was extremely excited for the opportunity to review this product and share my thoughts.
Have you been in this situation: You are trying to get your baby to take a bite of baby food and you take a bite? It is no wonder they do not want to eat it. Makes no difference if it regular or organic, either. They taste awful!
There are rewards to making your own baby food. The sense of accomplishment, knowing you are feeding your child something healthy, you KNOW what's in it because YOU put it in, it has increased nutritional value, no preservatives, and saves money. It takes very little time!
The kit comes with all you will need to get started, minus the food, of course. In this award-winning kit, included is a recipe/instruction book , two trays, a DVD, and a laminated tip card.
The recipe/instruction book is quite informative and touches on all the topics necessary to complete the process of making the food. They also include instructions on each method of cooking (microwave,etc).
I used the So Easy baby food kit and, it is just that. EASY! I will never use jarred food again!
Win It!
One lucky Extreme Personal Measures reader will win their own So Easy Baby Food kit, generously offered by Fresh Baby!
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For complete contest rules, please see our Contest Statement and Blog Disclosure. Contest ends at 11:59pm EST on July 23rd,2010 when a winner will be drawn at random and announced the next day. When commenting, please include your email address. I will notify the winners and they will have 48 hours to respond!
This was not a paid post. My own opinions were used based on my perceptions and experience. Thank you to Fresh Baby, who supplied the products for review and giveaway.
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I learned how to make crisp coconutty shrimp. It sounds delicious!
I learned that it's not good to feed babies whole grapes
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I learned that they have breastfeeding tips and a list of foods that aren't good for baby such as whole grapes and hot dogs
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I learned that they have breastfeeding tips and a list of foods that aren't good for baby such as whole grapes and hot dogs
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Watermelon has amino acids, citrulline and arginine, that help maintain the arteries and blood flow. I love watermelon and now i have to eat more of it!
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Love the ice cube trays for freezing food. What a great idea!
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I learned that you should balance tastes - sour, sweet, salty, bitter and umami - in a meal. asthenight at gmail dot com
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I follow. I learned that the kit makes pre-portioned one ounce servings!
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Discovered that research shows that children's eating habits are established by age 3!
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I learned that it's not good to feed babies whole grapes
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There is no BPA in their products.
Yay!! Thanks so much for the great giveaway and the link once I won! I really appreciate it!
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