Friday, January 28, 2011

Blogiversary Blog Math

When it comes to blog math, we bloggers usually do not take the time to add up how long, how many, and how often. For my  blogiversary, I thought I would do just that:

515: The number of posts that we’ve written to date
21819: The amount of comments we’ve amassed from our lovely readers.
8-10: The number of posts we like to have in the wings “just in case”.
11: The number I have currently in the wings.
60: The most posts that we’ve published in a month
4: The most posts that we’ve published in a day
40: The average number of hours each day that I sit at my desk chained to the computer. I also have a full time job at a computer.
Criminal Minds: Our favorite non-home-improvement show to watch. (P.S. Real Housewives is my ‘dirty little secret’ favorite)

If I missed anything that you’d like to know, just ask away. 


Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said...

Happy Blogiversary!! This was pretty cool!

Quirky Momma said...

So I'm from mom loop - how do you feature us? This was the link you gave if we had a home remodel post and I don't see a place to contact you or submit... I must be missing something obvious :0)

A to Zen said...

Happy blogiversary! Stopped over from blogfrog.

Beautifully Forgiven, Kortney said...

Happy Blogiversary! I'm following from the hop! You can come visit me at