Thursday, September 29, 2011

OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover Made A Difference In My Home!

 As a wife of a do-it-all man (mechanic, etc) and mom of three little ones, our home is stain central. I never got the stain removing gene either. I swear, all my mother in law does is look at a stain and it magically disappears. I am ashamed to say, we would have a ‘I cannot remove this stain’ pile of clothes for her to do her magic.

So, when I was presented with the opportunity to review New and Improved OxiClean VersatileStain Remover, I was skeptical and imagined myself being the one to throw OxiClean a curve ball with my less than stellar stain removing skills.

The weekend I had gotten the OxiClean was a particularly messy one. Hubby worked in the yard and on a car so his clothes were a mess. And I don’t know what happened to the kids that weekend. It was as if the OxiClean people spoke to them and said ‘Make as much mess as possible’ because they sure did. They were messy eaters and I think all three had blow outs (need I say more?).

Well, the OxiiClean and MomCentral people kindly provided me with a full size container of the OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover and a generous sized bucket for soaking. It certainly was put to the test! I immediately filled the bucket with water, and after reading the directions, the appropriate amount of OxiClean. I let the items soak and went about the rest of my day. Ummm, I have to say, I forgot about it. There was no swishing of the mixture, no scrubbing of the stains. It simply sat in the OxiClean water mixture. When I went to do the laundry, I didn’t even look at it. I grabbed the stuff and added it to the wash. But, I did check it before the dryer. I was completely amazed that ALL of the stains (including yard and blow outs) came out with minimal added work. I mean really, all I did was fill a bucket with water and the OxiClean. I now add OxiClean to every load of laundry. And, as a busy mom I miss some of the stains. I don’t have time to check every article of clothing. I have found that I am not having stains and my clothes are whiter and brighter.

Oxiclean Versatile Satin Remover does much more!  It's great around your home for things from carpet stain removal, pet stains, etc.  I consider Oxiclean Versatile Stain Remover a must have around our home. Thanks to OxiClean, there is no longer a I cannot remove this stain’ pile of clothes sitting around!

*I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of OxiClean and received OxiClean items to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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