Saturday, March 27, 2010

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution


Did anyone watch Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Part 1 & 2? I am going to be blunt here, so if you do not want to hear it, don't read it. I am absolutely appalled at the American schools/government and their version of cafeteria food. I am also appalled at the reception and attitude that was shown to him. All they way from principal & school board to cafeteria workers. Especially by Alice. And Alice's co-workers followed her attitude. Such a bad example they were setting in front of the children.

He comes in to try and help the way we are feeding our kids in the public school system. Pizza for breakfast? French fries as a vegetable? Through Jamie I learned that chocolate milk had more calories than soda. I had thought it was a healthy alternative!

Also an important point was that there were no knives in the school. They looked at Jamie like he was crazy. Many of these kids didn't know how to use one. Something is wrong with this picture. We are not only feeding our kids badly but we are not teaching them to be self sufficient.

If you feel that our children need to be fed better, the nation's school food program overhauled with healthy alternatives and learn to be self- sufficient, go to JamieOliver's site
and sign his petition.


Jen R said...

Jamie Oliver's a pretty passionate guy. He did the same thing with the British school system a few years ago. He met the same sort of resistance there. I guess people don't like someone coming in and telling them they're doing their job wrong. It's hard to hear...but somebody has to say it, or it will never improve.

Leiah said...

I hated they way they were so closed minded about everything. When she said she was there for the money it made me what to scream. I'll be so happy when people finally realize that cheap, easy food is crap!

Holly Lefevre said...

I dvr'ed the first show and caught part of the second and was appalled...but I was already appalled. The lunch menu at my sons school one day had chicken nuggets, potato wedges, a blueberry muffin, and a cherry juice bar....WHAT? I remember pizza when I was a kid...once a week, but there was always a veggie/fruit and milk. I cannot believe they have soda machines at middles schools either.

I went to a Slow Food USA demonstration last year and it was fantastic and again appalling at how they determine what is to be served and how they measure it, etc.

Jaime needs to visit every school district in USA.

Unknown said...

I did watch a little of the show. It is hard a think for schools to balance cost and good food. It is also hard to find food students will eat.

The Single Nester said...

I loved the show and hope some major changes are made. One being to get rid of that mean lunch lady. She needs early retirement.