Cast your votes!
My lovely readers, I would like to ask you to take a moment and tell me what gift cards you like to see given away here. The reward? What the majority chooses will be the next giveaway gift card. (It doesn't have to be Amazon or Target. Those are just the images I used :)
I know you mean all stores- but I LOVE both Target and Amazon!!
I like Walmart!
I personally like Amazon, but that is just me.
Visa Gift Card xD
I really like amazon gift cards because you can get anything!
I vote for amazon. ^^
Barnes and Nobel would be awesome.
I think Amazon would be awesome with the holidays coming up. How about even CVS or Walgreens (both should be able to be used online too). Starbucks is a great one too!
Amazon please --- you can get anything there!
i vote joann. you're so generious m(_ _)m
Amazon! I love buying stuff from there!
You can't go wrong with Amazon!
Amazon would be lovely
Where is the Target love? I vote for Target all the way!!! Love the new look, by the way :)
I love Amazon! Thanks!
I think amazon is great.
Amazon would be my pick!!
I would say amazon.
Amazon of course so I can get more books.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
I would still choose AMAZON! walmart would also be great!
Amazon is good!
Target, Amazon, Kohls, Starbucks... Was I supposed to choose just one? I'm easy to please.
Amazon> Holiday shopping would be alot easier that way.
I'm gonna be nutty and vote for Dunkin Donuts. My hubby spends a small fortune there. :-)
Definitely Amazon! You can buy just about anything there!
I have to say Amazon, you can buy anything!
Thank you so much for allowing your readers to choose the giveaway prize. I vote for Amazon because they sell just about anything and everything!
Thank you SO much for your generosity! You totally ROCK!
A Visa gift card would be awesome!
Michelle Ayers
Home Depot would be a good one, Wal-Mart as well....everyone loves Sears, JC Penney and, to be honest, any restuarant.
I love Amazon so I am going to go with them.
AmAzOn! ;) please.
CSN Stores, Amazon, or Target would be my top 3! :)
I like both target and amazon
Amazon or Target would be my top choice also ;)
Pam S
pams00 @ aol.com
Visa gift card is so versatile!
colljerr at comcast dot net
I would love a gift card to Christopher and Banks!
Walmart or Amazon
I like Walmart or Sams. :)
TJ Maxx/Marshalls or Macy*s!
Amazon or Paypal!
I'm all for amazon because you can buy ANYTHING there (other than hot food) so it covers just about anywhere else I'd like a card for!
Cafepress is about the only specialty "store" that I think is super fun to dream about giftcards for!
I would also say Amazon! I have such a huge wish list there.
Seriously, Starbucks would be amazing!!!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
I would like Walmart or Amazon giftcards here ;-)
Everybody always loves a Amazon, Or Target gift cards. With the holidays fast approaching how about Best Buy,Lowes,or Home Depot
Amazom.com card would be GREAT!!!
copperllama at yahoo dot com
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